Saturday, July 23, 2011

How to make my dog more attached to me?

Just love him as much as u can in morning go near him and keep your hand on his head fr some time and jst make him feel comfort table.he will love u soon

If you have low iron, does that automatically make you anemic?

I had a blood test done, and the doctor told me I had extremely low iron. He said I had to go on supplements. He never said "anemia" or anything like that, but does it make me anemic if I have low iron??

Please help me! My cat is very very sick?!?

this sounds like what happen to my dog 2 years ago she was acting just like that for 2 weeks and then one day she died i am so sorry but i think its time for your cat to go. but you can still creamate her witch means you bring her to the vet(once she has died)and the people will burn her then they will but her ashes in a nice little box for you to keep.

How do i get my dog to stop barking?

I have a 5 month old puppy and he enjoys barking up a storm when a cat walks by the window or he hears a noise or something. He's really small so he'll only really do this if he has something to hide behind, but he hides behind me and our husky a lot so it's a nusence at 3 in the morning when he wont shut up. He wont do it outside only while he's inside.

What is the difference in Iron and Vitamin D?

I am anemic. When I take Iron, I get constipated. Someone suggested that I take Vitamin D. They said it has the same effect on the body as Iron, without the constipation. Is this true and how much do I take? I take a multi vitamin with 18mg of Iron for ladies everyday. Do I need more?

How to lose ten pounds?

So I'm a female, 5'5" and 135 pounds. I my goal is to be 120-125, but I can't seem to lose anymore weight. I don't drink soda at all and I drink lots of water. I don't eat fast foods, candy, or junk food. I exercise just by working in the stock room at my job lifting heavy boxes and such. I take a multivitamin and iron everyday(I'm anemic). I just don't see how I can lose more weight. I've started to read labels and eat foods that are low in fat, but what else should I avoid or add?

I have a staffordshire bull terrier who hates other dogs he goes mental and barks he was attacked as a pup?

he also saw my daughter be attacked by another dog and jumped in to defend her i just want him to get on with other dogs. also he is worse towards other dogs when i have my children

Could i b having twins?!?!?! :O?

It's more than likely a combination of showing plus bloating. I looked like very big at 12 weeks but it kind of went down a little when the bloating chilled out. Everyone thought I was 5 months along & when I would tell them I wasn't they assumed it was twins or I was crazy. Now I am 5 months & look pregnant but not extremely big. ( It also depends on baby's position on how big you look later )Did you have an ultrasound yet? If you did, you probably are just having one baby although it does happen where one twin covers the other. The morning sickness, fatigue, & anemia are all normal too. Pregnancy is different woman to woman :)

Should I go after this guy and should I get him to come out?

No! He obviously told u he was bi rather then his best friend because he knew u were gay and couldnt turn against him. Do not pressure him into coming out because hes not ready and let him come out on his own.

My dog barks at everything and he wont stop?

I got a second dog and when I got him he was quiet for the first month (most likely settling in). However, after 2 and a half months he won't stop barking. A few examples: When I go to the garage to get a drink out of the fridge, he barks. He barks when everyone isn't in the same room and won't stop which makes things difficult if someone in the house is upstairs. If I plan on taking him and my other dog for a walk, he will bark at me and try to shove my other dog out of the way as I try to put her leash on. He will continue to bark until I have him out the door. He also barks if I give any attention to my other dog and not him or if it even looks like I am going to pet my other dog. One of the major problems however is that he barks at lawn mowers that are more than a block away (making Sundays a real problem). He also barks at pretty much anything else. I am thinking about getting him a bark collar but I wanted to know if there were any kinder ways of doing it.

Is it easier to get a pos lowlife nothing azz ***&$ off my gd block(let alone haven the **** one door away(2bc?

um, yeah got a section 8 or something bs asst. pos liven next door barking out threates of harm, shooting, killing, etc, use ur imagiznation, my white azz js cause this ***** is possessed by the devil, maybe much worse than that, anyways, I know the hoe got this crib from the city at like a bargain 2 good 2 b true blue price like maybe 400 max a month dollars? for a 800 or more comfortable coozy, practical azz crib, etc.. so yeah decent roof ove rthe hoes head but I DONT KNOW how much being punked by this ***** i can take, um, I heard section 8 ters, or types.. are easier to get bounced out of the neighborhood then others if they be causing bs (YES THEY ARE CAUSING BS).. SO??? can I do some **** her, take some steps, etc,,.. what steps if yes?? TO REMOV ETHIS HOE FROM MY NEIGHBORHOOD that was fine b4 her black azz showed (sorry, lov eblacks, a ton, gott aa ton of black homey) but this hoe done made my azz lose it : (

Why a dog ????????????????????

How do you think your poor mother felt when you were born? A chubby, crying little mush blob that sh*ts in his pants, spits up, and drools. And she kept you around, didn't she! Dogs are much cleaner than babies, are the cutest things on this planet, can be service dogs to the specially abled, are one of the smartest animals, and love you unconditionally. There is nothing like a great dog, and I hope you never get the pleasure of having one you ignorant ****

Gross anatomy for med students in college?

Hello, i want to pursue family doctor or pediatrician as a future career. I heard that you had to dissect a cadavar. My problem is i am anemic and often black out and faint when i see certain things. when i dissected a fetal pig in anatomy class i fainted. I was wondering if i fainted will i be disqualified from the class or would i have to redo the lab?

To approach her or not to approach her?

grow a ******* pair dude.. 2 years nothins gonna happen unless you make it happen YOU WILL REGRET IT if you dont make it happen SO MAKE IT ******* HAPPEN PUSSY...

Is it illegal in NYto voice record someone without their knowledge? Lawyers and anyone else with knowledge l?

In New York, it is not illegal to tape if you have the consent of one party (for example, your son) to the conversation.

Instead of a child getting taken away by Social Services, would it be easy for me to have her stay with me?

Here is some more background... I was picking up my step daughter from school a couple weeks ago and her friend gave me a letter she wrote for me. It was telling me that her father touches her and she is scared to go home everyday. After I read the letter I was shocked. I have never dealt with anything like this before. I asked her if she has ever told anyone about this. She told me a couple years ago she told the principal of her school (who is still the principal now) and that some lady went to her house, but im guess it was unfounded because she is still living there. A little background on her, she is 12 years old, she has been held back in school, she gets in a lot of trouble and she also likes girls. I dunno if all that is signs that it is really happening or not. When I told her I was going to go to the principal she told me no and that she would run away and she told me she already told her dad that she told someone so he will get in trouble if he does it again. That makes me think she isnt being truthful. So I ended up going to the principal yesterday and gave him the letter she wrote me. He told me he was going to call Social Services immediately and they will hold her at the school till they arrive and she wouldnt be allowed to go with her dad if he came to get her. I He told me I did the right thing, but this is all I can think about. Her 6th grade graduation is tomorrow. my questions are, is she going to be able to go to her graduation? If this is founded and she is taken away, what are the chances of them letting her stay with me temporarily? Also, is it dangerous for me to get involved? I used to see the dad everyday picking up my step daughter and i need to protect my family. Also, her mom lives is Mexico and she never talks to her so she isnt in the picture. The child lives with her aunt and dad.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Friday, July 22, 2011

How to remove acrylic paint from wall?

i painted a cherry blossom tree in my room wall. how to remove it ? its had black bark and pink & white flowers

Would you date a girl that weighed 199lbs?

I know your probably looking for answers from guys, but I swing just about any way possible, but I'm still very picky. But I deffinently would. You sound adorable and funny, and ill be damned but since when has size mattered? So yes, ye si would. :)

Can your employer legally ask you about your sexual orientation?

Can you please provide some references. There was an e-mail between supervisors questioning mine and another employees realtionship (unfounded by the way.) I want to be prepared should I be pulled into a meeting.

Pregnant and get lightheaded sometimes.....?

Yes and its also a part of pregnancy but too much could be preclampsia so I would talk to your doctor just in case. Good luck and hope this helps.

My dogs got into a fight, and one got a puncture wound, what do I do?

First off, it needs to go to the vet. It's unfortunate that her mom is refusing medical help because the deep wound can get infected. My dogs got into a very serious fight once when one of my females was in an aggressive heat cycle. One of my dogs had a puncture wound, and we took her to the vet. They gave her antibiotics to prevent an infection, and we went to the store to get gauze to wrap her leg. After maybe a week, she was healing and walking just fine. Good luck with your dogs! :)

How can i get my dog to stop barking when i jump/splash in the pool?

I had the same problem with my dog, I gave him some dog biscuits it did the trick, I hope it works for you too

Anyone heard of someone using a virtual phone number to make false reports to CPS?

Lets say a bad sibling moved to a foreign country and has always been jealous of her younger sister and angry the younger sister cut her off. The bad older sibling can't have kids and her younger sister has several and the bad one also collects SSI, even though she lives in a foreign country and isn't supposed to, but her mom cashes it and wires her the money so she can do things like by a virtual US number form Ireland to continue to make false calls to CPS and local PD on her younger sister. Even with family witnesses, CPS and PD said they can't do anything. How can anyone go to court with no money yet legal-aid said the younger sister is not "poor enough"? Will try the DA since this is wire fraud but seems there's a loophole in the system and Salem Witch Trials all over again. Many might not understand until they have kids and piss the wrong person off, even innocently just by being able to have kids and they cannot and the person is psychoticly jealous. When someone starts calling CPS on you they have to investigate every call. Even if they find out its from a virtual number they can do nothing since the false reporter is in Ireland and you will have to endure investigations at your home and school for the rest of your life even though every call is unfounded. Anybody go through this and win? Otherwise the rest of you be warned of this loophole. Even if caught, it is said to be an unenforced misdemeanor. Most people don't care and blow this off until it happens to them, especially with new technology like virtual phone numbers (e.g. Skype, etc)

32 weeks pregnant with severe migraine?

32 weeks pregnant with severe migraine for 7 days now. what should i do? obs said it could be due to me being severely anemic but im not sure that's the case and not sure the hospital can do much seeing as though im pregnant... hard to try and nap in dark quiet room as i have a toddler. any ideas? or should i just go to the hospital in case it's serious

How can I increase my intake of iron?

I went to go donate blood yesterday and the workers said my iron intake was too low, but I'm not anemic or anything. I know meat contains iron but I've recently decided to go vegan so I don't eat meat but I also do not want to take an iron supplement. What are some good sources of iron for vegans?

How to stop dogs from fighting?

My one Aussie pup insists on constantly fighting with her brother. Also, she chews on the furniture, wont stop barking, and keeps pulling down my sweatpants (she bites ans pulls). How can I stop this? I tried curling her lips under so she bites her lip when she bites things, but this doesnt seem to work. I love her to death, but I cant take it. Any advice or help?

Elm Tree Bark dosen't look right.?

Why is the bark on my elm trees turning all spotty? They seem to be losing leaves too. The trees are at least 50 years old. About 25" in diameter and 100' tall. Ohio resident.

My dog a guard dog? no way!?

You don't have to teach it. She naturally wants to protect her pack. That is how come you didn't have to teach it the first time. Just tell her good girl, tell her how awesome she is. She will continue don't worry about it

Do I need to carry an ID while I'm out doing yard work?

Of course you don't need to carry your ID; In you car, yes you do but anything else other then that and out buying items you don't need it. If a officer asks for your ID when your out doing yard work just tell him your name and he'll have all the information he needs (he has a laptop built in his car) all policemen do. Therefore you do not need an ID.

I have random bruising on both my ankles. What's wrong?

It hurts my ankles when I walk and they are bruising now I think that's a little odd. I just started running an hour a day every morning. I ran yesterday and today and plan to keep going. Could that be the reason they are bruised? Also, I've showed signs of being anemic. I've never been tested for it, but could I be bruising because I'm anemic?

Why does my puppy bark at people?

Whenever we go out shopping where we can bring them, one of the puppies keeps barking at people that walk by. The other puppy just growls and keeps walking. Y do they do this?

I am a 21 year old female and my hair is thinning more and more.?

I recently have been noticing my hair thinning alot more this year than others. It is only on the top of my head I get sunburnt on it and I am scared to dye it anymore. My hair has thinned significantly from how it was in high school. I thought it was from getting highlights and dying it now and then but I didn't do it that often. My mom has thick hair and my dad didn't start going bald til his 50's what is wrong with me? The doctors said my thyroid is normal and I"m not anemic. I am on a birth control which i started when i was 17 and an anti-anxiety medication. This is making me so self concious. please help.

My Japanese Chin dog don't bark?

I have a healthy Japanese Chin dog name Gizmo, but he just doesn't bark. When ever he hears other dogs he only picks his ears up. The only times he barks is when his at sleep. Is a really really low bark (he only does it like 2 or 3 times) and also wiggles his tail :) so i know that's good. but should i be worry?

I cant tell if my dog is angry/stressed when we play?

So sometimes in the house I randomly like to play with my dog. One of the things I like to do is start running and she'll chase after me. When she catches me, she licks me and shows no signs of aggression or anything. However during the chase she barks. My dog NEVER barks except when we play this game. She is by far attached most closely to me amongst the people in the household. Since she hardly ever barks I cant tell if this is an angry bark or just something dogs do when they play around.

Can somebody please help me understand this question?

dont know about philosphy much :s..but i use this service for my papers..consider giving them a try if ur stuck muchoo

Had a miscarriage at 20th week coz of neural tube defect as I started taking folic acid at 7th week.?

oh hun im so sry... my first daughter was stillborn at 21wks due to anencephaly sept. 30th 2004. i started takin folic acid after i had her. i got pregnant 6 months later and give birth to a healthy 7lb baby girl then to a healthy baby boy 14months after her then another healthy baby boy 9 weeks ago. tho you have a slight higher chance of it happening again i think u have an good chance to go on and have a healthy baby good luck, u have an angel watching over u

How to stop my GSD puppy from biting people?

HE has very sharp teet and has already drawn blood. i know he is just playing but it really hurts and i am afraid he will do it to a stranger. whenever i pet him, he just wants to bite my hands, and whenever he does not get it, he barks and jumps for my hand. HELP PLEASE.

My dog is an idiot savant?

My puppy is a barker. When I leave the house he'll bark and start cryin and scratchin on the door but he'll stay by tht door until I come bak. But one thing tht always shuts him up, is food. He likes cereal lolz or those little beef flavored treats. They smell kinda gud too xD

My body is constantly cold?

im 18 and people have told me that my body is constantly really cold. i dont feel cold at all but obviously my whole body is anyways. and the doctor said im anemic? could that be causing it? why am i so cold? my mom said i feel like im dead lol

Is this a bad size(pics included)?

31-28-31 is an hourglass body shape, it's like the most desired shape. So you're good! I'm glad you're not anemic anymore. You look just fine.

Pregnant and anemic, which foods are high in iron?

Just want to know which foods are Full of iron so that I can boost the levels so I don't have to have a blood transfusion. I'm 32 wks preg and am taking ferro grad c tablets, what else could I eat to boost the levels before next test in 4 weeks??

Why do my dogs do this?????S?

I have 3 boxers and 2 cats. So the oldest dog of ours is 6 years old. She was the 1st one we got so she was always used to getting loved all the time. Then we got ANOTHER boxer who is now 3 years old. recently we got a puppy who is like 5 mo. The 2nd dog we got whines and barks hysterically when you pet another dog. The puppy bites the ankles of whoever your petting. The 1st dog doesn't care when you pet another dog, but why not if she was the first one. Wouldnt she be more jelous then the other two. The two who whyine and bite are males and the one who doesnt care is a female. Thx and no timee waster answers plz (i was just curious)

How do you get unwanted thoughts out of your head?

Distract yourself. Call a friend or go shopping or do whatever makes you happy. Keeping busy is a great way to keep scary thoughts out. Good luck!

Now that obama has had 2 1/2 years to turn the economy around and it is instead tanking is he re-electable?

I heard even dem strategist James Carville say if the present state of anemic job creation continues there could be civil unrest soon....

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why do dogs bark at each other?

Is it a warning, socialisation etc? For example my dog barks if people come to the house which sets of a neighbours dog but my dog doesn't bark if it is the other way round.

Do people realize the May 21st Judgment Day group, is a relatively small group of people?

What people realize is anyone who thinks they are going to fly up in the air, ever, is stark, raving mad.

Do i have an eating disorder ?

Yes you have an eating disorder. You need to speak with you doctor about this. This is not a disease you can battle alone. I have trichotillamania as well. I had medical treatment. It worked wonders. can't remember right off what the name was. . . thinking zoloft. I had it so bad that half my hair was missing on the right side of my head. A habit I taught myself was to keep my hands clenched while sitting, watching tv, and anything that would have me sit still for awhile. I still occasionally pull strands out when I get stressed but only like one or two. Quodos on the trich treatment, many girls are too embarrassed to talk about it and opt for a comb over. But seriously get some help with the eating. Talk with your therapist, do the rehab (it seems you have a mixture of anorexia and bulimia). If you need to you talk you can im me. I know what you are going through.

What makes NeoCon Hannity an authority on Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood which he claims is about to take over?

to start with.almost every one knows more than the u.s.state dept.and if you check history you will know he is right.and from 12% to now a take right does that sound to you.pretty big jump.the percentage of people in america that don't want obama in is 45% higher than in egypt.he should take the same advice that he gives the current president of egypt.what say you.huh huh.

My daughter wants me to divorce my husband?

My 32 year old daughter has lied since she was able to talk. She once said my parents abused her when she was staying there( while I and her father was getting divorced ) she told the school this because she didn't want to stay there. It all came out that she lied my parents spanked me once and they cried. Then she went to live with her father at age 12 and by age 13 she said him and his wife where abusing her because she wanted to live with me. This also was unfounded she says things to get her way no matter how awful and hurtful. Still at this age she does this, we have 2 grandchildren that we can't see because she is mad at us for who knows what this time. She sent a letter to my job saying I could never see them again unless I divorce my husband now she is accusing him of abusing her (touching her when she was little) My husband is devastated by this we love our grandchildren but she uses them as a weapon against us, do as I say or you won't see them and she punishes her kids with us (you didn't get good grades so you can't see your grandparents).She is a real work of art I don't know what to do if we push her she will cry sexually abuse and my innocent husband could end up in jail because she is a liar. I just don't want my grandchildren to think we don't care anymore because we can't call them either (she has blocked our phones we can't call) The kids are 7 and 11, we raised the 11 year old for 6 years because she didn't want her. And the court system put her back with her because they are always better off with the parents right!!! Grandparents have no rights in Illinois even though we had all the proof in the world of drugs and drinking did us no good. So she says that is one of the reasons she hates me because I went to court with this proof against her. It scares me that she is such a good liar and gets away with it. What is to stop her from going to court if she gets mad again and press charges against my husband. How do you defend yourself against these charges? I hate that she has such a hold over us.

My dog just bit me for the first time, please help?

I have a 3year old female toy poodle and she bit me today for the first time she wont let me carry her or anything and she has never done that to me, She usually is very sweet with me and my dad only, so he biting me is very strange because im the one she trusts the most and is always friendly with me she only listens to me as well therefore her not letting me carry her is very unusual i dont know what to do? she doesnt listen to me when i call her or anything, i noticed she looks kind of sad though. I also have a male toy poodle just recently got him about a year ago and he has been acting very annoying and barking all the time. Today i took him inside to give him a bath and left my other dog outside so i think maybe she got sensitive because i didnt take her inside with me, she is very spoiled. Well i would be very happy if anyone helps me with this problem. Should i take her to the vet? Can she be pregnant? i've heard that they dont like being touched when they are pregnant?

What should I do about this boy?

You have good friends outside of him. Thank them for taking up for you as they do and ignore this guy. There isn't a good reason ever to tell lies, make fun of or just to hate someone for not thinking or doing what you do. Do not turn into this creep continue to be yourself and those around you will continue to take up for you. Good Luck

A dog bit my friend! What should I do?

First of all your friend needs to go to the hospital, or the doctor or so to get the cure that she needs, and she might need some rest. Second, it looks to me like that big German Shepard is a bad vicious dog. He might have seemed nice at first, but by what I am seeing that dog is dangerous and should be reported to the humane society or so. I would find out if he has an owner, because if he is a street dog, that means he has no owner, and street dogs are the worst dogs ever, because they are liberal. So, I would not let him stay in your house any longer, before you know it he might get vicious again and bite the crap out of all of you in the house and you all will be big time injured. Yeah, don't take responsibility for that wild mad dog.

Why did my dog lose it when he smelled the soap from a brillo pad?

Was cleaning dirty buckets out on the back porch, removed a new Brillo pad out of the box to clean them out. My male dog went crazy. Acted as if we were intruders trying to get into the house. His hair stood up and he barked and growled as if we were trying to harm him. Would not come back onto the porch. This dog has never shown this type of behavior before. would not come to us when called, avoided the porch like the plague. My other 2 dogs both females were unphased by the smell. i have never heard of a dog becoming agitated by a smell. It was as if he was scared by the smell of the soap. Anyone have an idea?

IS it historically unusual that the two most powerful people on earth Oprah Winfrey and President Barra Obama?

both of African origin. Does this mean possibly that Jesus was a black african man and my previous predjuce against black people unfounded?

Y&R spoilers and previews?

My gosh i didnt know Paul had a son thats news to me. I hope Sharon doesnt listen to Adam wanting her to escape jail. He is nuts. I hate that about Lucy. Thanks for the spoilers.

I need to lose weight (50lbs). I am 5'2", a woman, and 49 yrs of age.?

hunny all you gotta do is eat less, dont eat after 6 or 7, dont drink sodas stick to water, and walk at least 30min a day and your sure to lose some weight.

I'm wrong with my disease,, im not diabetes... my FBS result is negative,, but?

I'm wrong with my disease,,im not diabetes,,, my FBS result is ok i mean its normal..but my hemoglobin is low... final findings anemic and have a high blood pressure which is 140/100. And also i have a litle UTI. What should i do or what should i eat???

I need arguments against carrying guns for a paper?

If you need arguments against something, simply because you can't come up with one, than your not on that side of the story.

In the UK is discrimination against bisexuals illegal?

So my mum and older brother, who believe 'you can be one or the other, not both' Found out i was bi after snooping through my post when i was 16, ever since i've had **** off them for it, but i've put up with it. My brothers going by studies done in the 90's that have since been proved unfounded, my mum by her idiotic, bigoted views on whats right and wrong. I've just been round to my mum with my kids and she's started it again. I've told her plenty of times i don't want to hear that line cos it angers me, but she carried on. She then told me she wont let her grandkids grow up thinking it's normal (bare in mind that although i'm bi i'm in a long term relationship with a man and we are going to get married). I told her i don't think it's normal teaching anyone that some types of love lead to etearnal damnation (she takes my little bro to church). She isn't against gays or lesbians, just bisexuals etc. I told her when she started getting very abusive that she's comitting a hate crime and if it carries on i will report her (it's been 5 years of BS from her!). She said it isn't illegal cos 'queers' Meaning bisexuals, aren't homosexual so it isn't homophobia. I am going to report her, i have well and truly had enough of it, but i'm wondering if anything she's said is true???

Pregnant or Anemic? How can you tell?

They have the same symptoms for the most part. I think my GF might be pregnant. But we also just gave blood a couple of weeks ago. She is tired and fatigued recently. She is having headaches. She usually has cracked lips. She is having a period right now...that's why I don't think she's pregnant. It's a heavy period, when she usually has light ones. But I have heard of people still having heavy flow periods and being pregnant! What do you think is up?

Who said this? (What if?)?

"What if our foreign policy of the past century is deeply flawed and has not served our national security interests? What if we wake up one day and realize that the terrorist threat is a predictable consequence of our meddling in the affairs of others and has nothing to do with us being free and prosperous? What if propping up repressive regimes in the Middle East endangers the United States and Israel? What if occupying countries like Iraq and Afghanistan and bombing Pakistan is directly related to the hatred directed toward us? What if someday it dawns on us that losing over 5,000 American military personnel in the Middle East since 9/11 is not a fair trade off for the loss of nearly 3,000 American citizens, no matter how many Iraqi, Pakistani, and Afghan people are killed or displaced? What if we finally decide that torture even if called enhanced interrogation technique is self-destructive and produces no useful information and that contracting it out to a 3rd world nation is just as evil? What if it is finally realized that war and military spending is always destructive to the economy? What if all war-time spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing? What if we finally see that wartime conditions always undermine personal liberty? What if conservatives who preach small government wake up and realize that our interventionist foreign policy provides the greatest incentive to expand the government? What if conservatives understood once again that their only logical position is to reject military intervention and managing an empire throughout the world? What if the American people woke up and understood that the official reasons for going to war are almost always based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests? What if we as a nation came to realize that the quest for empire eventually destroys all great nations? What if Obama has no intention of leaving Iraq? What if a military draft is being planned for the wars that will spread if our foreign policy is not changed? What if the American people learned the truth that our foreign policy has nothing to do with national security and it never changes from one administration to the next? What if war and preparation for war is a racket serving the special interest? What if President Obama is completely wrong about Afghanistan and turns out worse than than Iraq and Vietnam put together? What if Christianity actually teaches peace and not preventive wars of aggression? What if diplomacy is found to be superior to bombs and bribes in protecting America? What happens if my concerns are completely unfounded? Nothing. But what happens if my concerns are justified and ignored? Nothing good."

Coin Counting Vending Machine?

I want to get my hands on a coin counting vending machine. Not a coinstar I have to lease and obey a contract on. I want to be able to outright buy a machine and be allowed to do whatever I want with it without someone barking over my back for a leasing fee. Any suggestions?

Please answer my question. im worried about my period?

have you switched or just started birth control? if this is the case then it is all normal! birth control is horrible for the first few months but after a while it will calm down and you period will be lighter! try some advil for the back pain and a nice hot shower for everything else! i really hope this helps

Why is My Puppy Suddenly Aggressive?

Sometimes when a normally nice pet pet all of sudden acts aggressive, it may mean they are in pain. Take him to the vet for an exam is my suggestion.

Could I be pregnant or am I just paranoid?

Okay, so for the last week and a half I have been nauseated (but no vomiting), headaches, and had a couple dizzy spells. I was supposed to start today, but haven't yet. Although I've had late periods before. Last night my lower back started cramping really bad, and it did as well this morning like I was going to start my period, but nothing has happen. I am not on birth control due to me being anemic and my doctor is afraid of blood clots...which makes no sense to me ata ll. So my husband and I use the withdrawal method, which I know isn't the best form of birth control. Anyway, just some thoughts on if I could be pregnant or not. I did take a pregnancy test a couple days ago, and it was negative, but I thought it may of been to early to tell.

Are Atheists blind, and cannot see the Blessings of Christian Religion, or possessed of optimal acute vision?

"Such Christians as seriously put their backs into attaining these experiences may even become unparalleled connoisseurs in the various grades of Smelling Salts" Lol

If you have unfounded child neglect claim is it going to your record for child care jobs?

my ex keept calling cps just to make me look bad and to take my child away. all reports are unfounded . now i want to get a child care job is it going to show in my report ? or are going to not hire me for that ?

Best alcohol for anemia?

I'm 21 now and want to drink for my birthday but am anemic. What's the best kind of alcohol I could drink without feeling the worst effects? Serious question.

Why do women think they know anything about economics?

im studying a degree in law and econommics. so i do think i know something about economics. and no i wont talk about it to you, becuase you probably wouldnt appreciate it. i'd save my breath for someone who did.

What website am I thinking of?

It gives you a daily challenge i.e. when someone says a word that starts with e you have to bark. I don't remember much else but I do remember hearing about it on My Life Is Average or AMirite or someother site.

Am I Iron deficiency anemic?

I am a female of 18 years age and i have pretty strong chest pains. I took a blood test couple of days back and my HGB reading was 116. I I have a little difficulty in breathing aswell, Am i iron deficient? what should I do if i am anemic? please help

What party am I a member of?

I'm a liberal but I don't support eminent domain, stricter gun control, affirmative action, illegal immigrants and tax-funded provisions for such, or higher taxes for wealthier individuals. I'm a libertarian but I believe in government regulation of the environment and extreme regulation/taxation of corporations. What am I? And please don't give me any sh*t about being a hypocrite, idiot, or any other unfounded derogatory. I'm not asking for your political beliefs.

I'm so scared and paranoid!!?

Well i watched scary movies like 2 weeks ago. And i used to love them! like ghost ones but i watched 2 really scary ones and I am so scared of demons and ghost. like my dog will bark in room at random things when i'm the only one home. but we built the house. and it just scares me and im more scared because my best friend that lives in my neighborhood have had demons in her before. But i'm not gonna go into detail. But she lives in the back of the neighborhood by some woods that i think that people have done witch craft before. and im not going to go into detail why. and im always scared at night i cant close my eyes at night unless my mom sleeps with me... idk what to do

How can I stop my dog from barking constantly?

I have a one-year-old Shih Tzu who I love but she is honestly driving me insane. She barks at nothing at all. She will just randomly start barking at the wall. We can barely talk in my house as she's so loud. Going to sleep at night is a nightmare as she won't shut up. She also barks first thing in the morning so I have little sleep because of her and she's making me feel exhausted, annoyed and ill because of it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Am I anemic or is it something else?

So I haven't had my period for about 2-5 months(I honestly can't remember when it last was) and I was getting worried and I searched it on google. It said that I may be anemic. So then I looked up symptoms of anemia. Didn't say anything about periods but I read some symptoms and I have a feeling I have anemia(unless it's my inner hypochondriac coming out...). Like it said dizziness and lightheaded. That happens to me almost everytime I stand up. It said upset stomach and my stomach is always up to something. I've been getting nauseous a lot since whenever I stopes having my periods also. But I'm not pregnant cause I'm a virgin. I always thought these symptoms were anxiety and stress and maybe some of it is but from some of these symptoms, what can you suggest. Thanks to anyone that can help.

Coco IS a fun loving MALTIPOO puppy! ?

First to answer your question. Since your dog is mixed, there is no standard to judge the rate of growth. As to your rant about it being your money if you choose to buy from a pet store or a breeder who mixes breeds to sell for a profit. You are correct, it is your right to do so, just as it is our right to call your dog a mutt since it is mixed. The way that you are approaching people is not a good way to make people want to help you.

Is it bad that my dog guards the house?

It's her house / territory. She is trying to protect you and her territory from unknown people. My sisters dog is exactly the same. Nothing to be worried about. :)

Period Problems... .PLease help is this normal?

Here the thing.My period is all out of wack and I do not know what can it be.I had my period in the beggining of this may that just passed.Then 2 weeks later towards the near end of month I have my period again,and this time is started with brown spotting,it wa only a few dots of brown blood,then again,just brown light spotting,then my period stopped for like less than a day,and then I started to bleed again normally,I had my period for exaclty 9 days,it ended last fast friday exact.Now am I having again it started today at 11 and it starting the same way as the period before that with the brown spotting.I am afraid I do not know what's going on with body.What could this possibly be?On top of that this is affecting my everyday routine,my working out, exersingand I have less energy,and feel more tired,ect ect.Me losing alot of blood is my biggest concern I do not want to become anemic.I am starting to feel lightheaded as of today.I am very concerned.So is my mom.THis issues is affecting my everyday life I do not kno..ugh.I rule out being prego cause I just can't be,I took prego tests they came back negative,and I do not wanna have a kid I am not ready in a mature level,finicially ect.I am 20 yrs old....please help what could this be IS THIS NORMAL????...

My dog is acting wierd?

My dog just came in from being outside and started to act weird. First off, his head was tilted and he was shaking his head. He then began running around barking, head tilted and crying. We rubbed his ear and he liked it, but when we stopped he continued running barking and shaking his head. Is there any idea what could be wrong with him? We checked his ears but we couldn't see anything....

Other disorders that are similar to Nihilism?

i'm pretty sure you can't call a belief a "disorder". is it in the DSM-4? also, where did you get your definition?

Japanese nuclear meltdowns with no significant impact on human health?

Bloody Stupid,..and why would we give a flip what you think...They need volunteers at your local nuke plant, they want you.

Since when does putting on a team's jersey suddenly make you a fan of that team?

I say it depends on where that jersey is in 2+ years. If it's still in the usual wear rotation in your closet, then you're a fan. If it's in the back of the closet or on ebay, you're not likely a fan.

Are swimming pools potentially dangerous for previously indoor-only cats?

If your cats have been strictly indoor cats, then they may not be that interested in going outside. My last cat lived indoors for her first 3 years, she had never been outside. Then I moved to a place that I could let her outside in the back yard. She would only go out when I was out there, otherwise she stayed inside. If you only let them out when someone is around, they'll be fine. They may not go near the pool because it will smell funny to them.

Abnormal periods, loss of appetite, negative preg test! HELP!!!!?

I came off the pill in March. I didn't have a period for a while, I came on on the 21st May. Period was brown discharge, and was lots of clots. This episode finished on the 28th May. I then had spotting for a week starting on the 3rd June, this finished on the 10th. I now have a similar episode to the 'period' I had on the 21st May. Also for the last 3 months my appetite has drastically changed, I can no longer keep certain foods down, the taste of most things has changed. Foods I used to love I can no longer stand, and foods I used to hate I like. I done a pregnancy test today, it was negative. Doctors have done blood tests to check if I am anaemic, this came back normal. I'm going out of my mind. Any suggestions of what this could be. I've went from a size 12 to a size 6 within 3months.

Can an Atheists explain how they use different ways of reasoning then religious people?

All Atheists claim that they are identified by not believing in God. They argue that there is no evidence to given credence to the idea of God. But not having evidence of something does not mean that something does not exists. So not believing in God is unfounded given the evidence we have. At best, it seems, they have to be open to the idea of God. So they believe what they believe on faith, right?

Does iron deficent anemia effect school performance ?

im anemic and have been for about a year and a bit. i have been doing exams and tests at school and i am always tired and unable to fully concerntrate. does anemia have any contribution to school performance ?

How to stop a Pomeranian from barking?

I have 2 Pom puppies, the 7 month old boy doesn't really bark much unless there is a reason for it, but the 6 month old girl barks a LOT and it's a shrill bark. It doesn't bother me, but I don't want other people to find her annoying and not want to be around her. Any suggestions?

Why did my dog bark at nothing?

Dogs can hear and smell better than humans can, so its entirely possible that there is something on the air that you simply cannot detect. At the end of the day there shouldn't be a real reason to be really concerned, granted it can be a little freaky, but if I learned anything from my own dog is that sometimes they just get riled up. He may have saw something that got him excited and it left by the time you got out there. Raccoons are crafty buggers.

Am I anaemic, or is this something else?

maybe u really need to take those pills just to get u motivated..they may have side effects but if u have a serious problem ...whats worse those side effects....or u not getting out of bed?

How can I make my dog accept cats? *Beagles!*?

Do some research, and make preparations. In my experience, with some time, and a lot of patience, cats and dogs will do quite nicely together.

I feel like i have somthing sharp stuck in my throat?

for the past few weeks i have felt like somthing is stuck on the left side of my throat it comes and goes through the day sometimes it feels like its clicking too since yesterday it got worse and started to feel sharp i have been having a few other symptoms in the ent area i noticed i have a bit of a sore throat and a bit of sharp pain down the left side and my nose feels slightly congested and very slightly runny witch also comes and goes and my right ear feels full and feels wet when i push on the underneath of it also feels itchy and sore/burning feeling but my left ear doesnt i also keep getting a funny taste in my mouth every now and again i am so scared my first thoughts are "throat cancer" and i worry alot about my health i am only 20!! i had my second baby 5weeks ago and i became anemic from blood lodd after the birth and am taking iron, i have a drs appointment tomorow im just so worried am i worrying too much?? what could it be? thanks

Will someone explain religion to me?

Often times its childhood indoctrination, other times its just ignorance because of something the person wants to be true.

Does anybody agree with me that small dogs are very anoying?

I personally thnk that small dogs are very annoying. Everything is fast paced, they are constantly looking to bark at. I know some people will disagree.

My dog has Separation Anxiety, how can I cure this?

You need to solve this slowly ie put him in a room or put him somewhere he cant get to you or see you and then walk away for maybe 10 secs then go back give him a cuddle and give him a treat (as long as he didnt bark/whine) then the next time stay away a little longer and keep repeating then over time try putting him somewhere he can see you and start again. do you catch my drift? also look up ceasar millian (sorry if that spellings incorrect if you type it into google it will recognise him) im sure he had an eppisode about separation anxiety. i hope this helps! good luck

DS: What's her problem?

A little friendly dog like that doesn't need a prong. A prong is overkill. Try with a flat collar first, pop it the way you would with a training collar and bring her back into a heel. You greet other dogs on your time, not hers. Then again, I'm against introducing random strange dogs anyway. It serves no positive purpose and opens the possibility of a dog fight.

Thoughts on a piece I wrote for my English class?

very good, but after one read its seems more descriptive of her environment than of her character and when you have to start talking abt her character with "julia was an intuitive girl...." it seems very blunt and in complete contrast to the description of her environment which flows like water. you are very good at description of the surroundings, use that to bring out the character. the character development seems very blocky, merge it with the rest of the text. when u describe the grass or the bushes bring out her thoughts abt how she believes there are secrets hidden behind them, in them/it and how when the wind blew she wanted to follow it to see where it went to see perchance where it began,< this is just a crude example to describe her curious character, her determination, start it off smoothly, ease into the character. ( i hope this helps somehow, i would want to read further)

German Shepherd Aggression?

You need to train him somehow. Get a book, maybe. If a German SHepherd isn't trained, they WILL be aggressive. Try some of these books

A "Friend" abandoned her dog at my house and wont take him!!!?

I used to own a dog over a year ago and due to the fact I couldn't care for him the way he needed to be cared for I gave him to a better home. Now a "friend" had an issue with a LL because she neglected her dog for days on end while he barked and disturbed the neighbors so she told her her she had to get rid of the dog or she would call the SPCA by the weekend. Since it was such short notice I told her we could watch the dog for a COUPLE OF DAYS until she found a place for him to go. That was almost 2 weeks ago. I've been more then tolerant and told her several times she needs to have him out the LATEST by tonight. Now she is saying no one will take him, and she is leaving town for a week on a plane and has no where for him to go, and basically I need to keep him until she is back and figures it out. Except I have plans all week and wont be home either, therefore I've explained my house is not an option. She says she is working on an option, but I know the end result will be her leaving him. So... I've told her if he isn't gone by tonight, then I'm calling the SPCA and she said if I did that she'll send people to my house... basically threatening me. Am I being unreasonable???????? I feel so used, what would you do? Should I call the SPCA?

Can prenatal and iron supplements be taken together at the same time?

Yes, I know this is a guys profile... Lol I didn't feel like signing out of my boyfriends account so ne ways.. Is it safe to take the 2 together.. Im not even anemic but the doc still prescribed the iron to me... I just dnt want to over do it ya know..?

Why do many dogs start barking when one dogs decides to bark?

For example, there's this dog in the neighborhood who constantly barks, and whenever he starts, ALL the dogs start barking. Why do they do this?

Why i feel so weak?please anybody help me.?

i am male 16 yr severely underweight .my weight is 28 kgs.i dont have any underweight is going since 4 yrs .also in past i have done anemic profile 1 and it shows low haemoglobin.after 1 yr i dont know why but i feel that i have no energy ,feel very weak .is this due to anemia please please help! Also i wanna tell u that i feel better when i take glucon-d.

My dog doesn't barely bark..?

She barks once in a while but she can go days even weeks without barking.. is it normal? is there a wayu i could teach her to talk or something?

Was the release of Obama's long form birth certificate a win or a loss for Trump and the birthers?

Let's just wait until the experts comment on the voracity of today's document before we declare a winner...

Important question about Exodus!?

I've been wondering about the story of Exodus for a while, and I know that it is completely unfounded by archaeological evidence, but recently someone sent me a link-- I know this doesn't prove the exodus at all, but how can I refute this evidence?

Broken toe and stitches. Still wont stop bleeding?

Keep your leg higher than your heart, which means lying flat with your leg up in the air propped up by pillows. Try this for a few hours. Wrap clean dressing quite tight around the wound for 10 mins or so then gently release.

Is America's anemic post recession growth due to Obama's economic policies?

It is the fault of four years of Democrat control of the House and Obama's lack of economic policy other than to say he wants to raise taxes.

Were Democrats right to blame Republicans for high gas prices?

Yes. Republicans do things to inflate the value of commodities in order to exploit market booms. Then they look for ways to make others eat the losses when those market bubbles eventual pop. Democrats just do almost nothing to stop these kinds of games from being played. I don't think Democrats exploit political power for financial gain quite as much as Republicans do.

My dog stopped barking out of no where and walking really slow. is he sick or what?

I don't know about the stopped barking it may be that he's getting old, has calmed down, or just lost interest in barking at things. The walking cud be that (again) getting older, or .maybe arthritis I've known dogs who have gotten it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Barking dog help????

i think it depends on where you live, but where i live, yea you could get in trouble. its kind of like listening to loud music nonstop. i had a friend that was forced to get rid of his dog because it would bark nonstop. but thats only if the barking is a real issue and you get a lot of complaints. i have a dog and i wish she would bark more. she is probably the worse watch dog ever. if a burglar was to break into the house, she would be the first to hide under the bed quietly and scared out of her mind but i still love her lol.

Can someone please explain why I do this?

You are really worried about getting hurt SO if you keep it up long enough you will never be loved. You will chase them all away. Sure can't get hurt that way, can you? Do you not think that guys worry about getting hurt too? Sure they do. Take a chance and see what happens. If you don't like him, let him go. If he gets hurt, he will have to deal with it. The same is true for you. Tell yourself that you could never love someone who did not love you back so you refuse to be devastated. Remember , it may work out wonderful..It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Whats the best way to train a dog to stop barking?

I have a kesian/german shepard mix dog who barks at everything that moves outside. He is driving me and my neighbors up the wall. I can't afford obedience school or anything like that, and I love my dog so don't tell me to just get a new one. I need some good answers. Every dumb answer will be reported to the proper yahoo authorities JK

Doesn't Science moreso support the Biblical account of the Earth/Universe's creation over Big Bang/Evolution?

I've noticed recently there is a lot more scientific and archaeological evidence and proof of Biblical events coming out in the last years, despite the tampering and omissions some Bible versions have undergone. And sources, there are many, some of which you'll find on 4thKrypton/5thKrypton's channels on YT. Being that Evolution and the Big Bang are just theories, why do so many thinks it's so ridiculous for people to believe in Creation, when their own beliefs are unfounded?

Irregular period and high blood pressure?

Since I was 16 and started running track my menstrual cycle has been irregular. I lost my period for 4 months then when I stop running I got my period back but it was odd like very light spoting. Then my senior year I decided to try running again and I started bleeding very heavy and had to stop running. I would bleed heavily for almost 2 months. It was so heavy that I would have to change every 2 hours. I went to the doctor and was put on birth control pills to regulate it. I only took it twice because it made me sick but it was enough to get me back to normal. Two years pass and I'm in college and the same problem happens again and I go almost two months with a heavy period. I call to make an appointment with a doctor and I was advised to go to emergency. When I went to emergency and they checked my blood pressure it was elevated and had never been high before. The ER doctor ordered tests and found I was slightly anemic and gave me a month supply of birth control pills with iron and they got me back to regular for a few months. Then the problem happened again and I scheduled an appointment with a doctor. They took my blood pressure and it was much higher than the reading in the ER. The doctor ordered tests and didn't find anything wrong with me so she said lose a few pounds and see her in a month. I came back and I did lose the few pounds but my blood pressure was higher than before and she had to put me on blood pressure pills and some birth control pills to regulate my period. I decided this time to continue to take it so I wouldn't have to go through this again. Now 8 years have passed and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and this doctor wants to take me off the pill because of my blood pressure but I'm afraid of having irregular periods as it caused severe pain and heavy bleeding. I didn't want to stop taking them until I have children. The blood pressure pills make me sick and I don't like taking them and have stopped for two months now and I feel fine.

Dog can't poop, already taken to vet. What's wrong with him?

try rice , condliver oil ( idk how to spell it put that sounds like the pronceation), prune juice and ask about doggy laxitives. hope this helps

Name Change And Employment Help?

Well no employer should discriminate against you because of your name that's illegal though I guess that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I don't think you have to disclose your old name. Possibly if you don't and they find out later you could loose the job for not being honest on the application.

Christians you believe that the evil one could make an abode in the atheist, but what about in you?

I'm sorry, Shinigami, but the bible doesn't teach this. You're moving into a highly speculative area here and the only reasonable navigation is on a case by case basis, each step guided by the Holy Spirit. In my experience, most western Christians don't go around looking for demons behind every rock (some do), or inside every atheist. Demonization seems to be more prevalent in areas of overt idolatry, if one can believe the stories one hears (always a dubious proposition, granted), but even there, demonization is most likely the extreme exception rather than the rule.

I cried at school today...?

You asked your friends and they gave you good feedback. They were honest and even if you didn't like hearing it, it shows they care enough about you to be truthful. Use the information they gave you to make some changes to how you behave~

Given how anemic and unpopular state-sanctioned churches are in other countries, why would American Christians?

I'm for the separation, personally, but just because the government works one way doesn't mean everyone else has to like it.

Do moquitoes not bite anemic people?

I was standing outside with my boyfriend the other night and he was being eaten alive, but not a single mosquito landed on me. They hovered, but thought better of it and left. Could this be because of my iron-deficiency anemia?

Am I the only one who gets these feelings?

Sometimes, It depends. I am afraid that the cops are still suspicious are me and my friends because he matched the description of a robber (But he was confirmed not the robber obviously) but it was so scary the cops were questioning him in front of my house and padding him down and looking around my porch and stuff. I think its natural to feel paranoid when cops are around.

What type of dog should I get?

I have a dog that is 2 years old (Boxer-Lab) and im thinking about getting my mother a small dog. She does not like my dog, because he is big and barks. She likes small , quiet dogs that dont need a lot of food or hair cuts. it cant be yipppie ether. Can you help?

How often do models eat?

I want to be a model for a part time job, but I'm afraid I might become anorexic or bulimic, because I know the modeling agencies are strict on eating and diets. They won't let you eat anything you want, and I get hungry and thirsty pretty face because I'm an anemic. I never understood why models couldn't eat just anything, because don't skinny people naturally have a fast metabolism anyway? The food would just pass through.

Am I wrong to do things that may fulfill stereotypes?

Dave Chapelle did do that in a show, but do what makes you happy i watch a lot of anime eat a lot of fried chicken and basicly just do what i want

Please help me im dying in pain.tell me what is right?

My little 5 year old pomeranian was so cute and friendly yet very vicious sometimes.last week he bit me because I went close to him to smell his shampoo on his coat and he jumped at me all of a sudden ripped the corner of my lip.I got 8 stiches because of it.then my parents gave the dog away.I misss him.I'm 23 years old and I cry everyday for not having my dad told me today that I caused all really broke my heart.they told me so many times to not go so close to the dog but its my dog I wanted to love him hug him kiss him.he was okay sometimes and he wasn't okay with me hugging him some other times.all my friends dogs never bite.but my dog did a I miss him I can't get him back.I ccant focus and study and I'm being super needy towards my bf because I feel depressed and baby is not waiting for me by the window to get home everyday,I don't hear him bark,I don't have to close the door so he doeant run away and I don't have to check on his food and water anymore.its driving me crazy.everyday I missed him and looked at his pics untill I'd get home to play with him and now thered nothing at home there's no hope noone to miss:(I will never love a dog that much again!I will never be the same.please help me

Letting my boyfriend pick me up?

Aww, honey, it's fine. You're a good weight. You're not heavy at all and since he hits the gym so much, he should have absolutely no problem being able to pick you up. Embrace who you are. I'm kinda short, but I'm not sad about it anymore. I like me. You need to accept yourself for who you are. My boyfriend loves the gym and he's pretty strong so I don't mind when he picks me up cuz I know he can. I hope this helps >.<

My friend never eats :/?

If you guys are still in school please go talk to a guidance counselor they will help out, or go straight to her parents, force her to eat when your with her,you have to approach her calmly and gently. Please know that she might want help but her disorder is taking over, just talk to her and tell her how worried you are. Its sad that you have to go through this, but please research other ways to help her than just on Y!Answers

Does evolution have a floundering foundation of unfounded fossils ?

The sedimentary layer has failed to produce detailed and consistent evidence of species transforming into other species. Darwin's theory DEMANDS evidence.... and there is none.

Tigers milk nutrition bars and anemia?

im 35 weeks pregnant and i was told im anemic and had to take iron pills but they make me feel so sick and i cant take them and i was wondering since tigers milk bars are about nutrition and i saw that they have 15% iron in them if i ate these everyday would it help my anemia?

Gals, would you tell her partner he was "big" even if he was average?

I would not. This is such a touchy subject with men, and women know it. When I have been with a man that's not very big, he knows it, I know it, and it's something we just don't talk about. I'm middle-aged, have had a lot of sex partners, and most men don't ask about the size of their penis. The partner I have now has, but we were together many years before he did. He's enough for me and I've told him many times that he is. Do you think when I had a man that was too big that I told him he was? I never said anything about it and stayed with him till we broke up. Penis size is something men can't help, and to criticize it or put a man down for his size is just not right.

How do my fiance and I compromise about the dog's behavior?

This sounds like a very hard situation. Dewey is basically Jared's baby. I would talk to him and let him know thar this situation is very new to you. Dewey needs more training, and Jared has to understand your point of view. I think it can work if you both come to an understanding of what to do. Dewey should not be sleeping in bed with you both. He should sleep in the living room or in his doggy bed. Dewey is basically a baby in training and so far Jared made a lot of bad decisions. I hope everything works out. Good Luck :)

How do i deal with a rumour about myself?

You have the right attitude's quite funny and like you said you are no longer in HS. Everyone will see that it's obviously not true that this is the case so to hell with whoever started it. They obviously think you are worth talking about, so let them.

My dog killed a kitten?

I have a rescue dog, Had it for nearly two years now. We ended up with it as originally we fostered it for a friend who runs a rescue centre till it could be sent to the RSPCA to be re-homed. The dog hates being confined anywhere, which is why we took it. It was being kept in a centre and was driving them crazy barking all the time. Well, the dog went to the rspca who kept it confined (they were supposed to be sending to a foster home) which made it play up and they said it cant be re-homed and must be put down. We told them we would take it back rather than put it down, and so have had it since. The dog is a bit of an escape artist, jumps high fences, slips his lead/collar/harness and runs amok in general. It dislikes other dos, HATES cats (we have some) and if it sees any animal smaller than itself turns into a bully.It escaped off its coller and chain last night (during the day it stays out back on a chain as it escapes otherwise) and ran to our neighbors farm (over the road) my hubby went after it, went into their yard and noticed a small kennel with kittens. He closed the door, but left it open a bit in case the mother came back. Our dog ran past, saw the kittens pulled them all out shook, 2 of them, then killed the 3rd. My hubby tried to get him off the kitten, but every-time he went near, the dog snapped at him. He eventually managed to get his lead on and dragged him off (too late for the poor kitten though). We are at our wits end now. We cant keep the dog indoors because of our cats plus young children, and the dogs hate being confined in a room. We cant confine this dog as it will escape (our other dog does not) and as we live in a farming community, if it goes near or harasses any other animals, it will probably end up shot. I think we should get shot asap, hubby wants to try and train the dog, but is busy on a farm and does not really have the time. Does anyone have any advice/suggestions? Thank you

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is this weird to love my fish WAY more then my dog?

I HATE my dog but I LOVE my fish. I think the fish are cuter and best of all they dont do all that annoying stuff my dog does. See, it was my moms before she died and my gramma took it in(i live with her) Over the years shes neglected giving it exercise and disciplining it. So basically, its overweight and spoiled now. it never stops barking, it nearly bit halfway through my grandpas leg, it's vicious to guests, it doesnt know any tricks, doesnt come when its called, eats its own poop and cant even go for walks or else it escapes. Keep in mind I couldn't change this because I was only 9 by the time it was too late. it doesnt even let anyone pet it anymore besides my grandma. I want to give it away but my grandma says no or she'll flush my fish away. And the fish are basically my trusted companions. Imagine an awesomely trained, lovable dog you always see on Tv. my fish are like that to me, and my dogs like a rat to me. not a pet rat, a sewer rat. How strange is this? Oh yes, feel free to insult me. I DONT CARE. I DONT CARE. READ THIS MESSAGE YOU SARCASTIC PEOPLE. I DONT CARE.

DS: Question about one of my dogs behavior, aggression?

Your dog's behavior was perfectly normal. It's a guard dog guarding your home. Further, running through the backyard triggered his prey reflex.

Can Dogs Reconize You On Skype?

I am skeptical about them actually recognizing the picture on the screen, like them seeing you in a picture. But, when I went to florida, I left my dog with my mother. I skyped her and when I was talking, Pirate recognized my voice and got very excited (although he looked to the door!). So, if you talk to her and say her name, she will recognize the voice, but I doubt she will pay attention to your picture on the screen.

Phelp`s Freedom of Speech and NY Billboards?

In the UK, Phelps wouldn't be able to operate, our freedom of speech has boundaries, he would come under quite a few anti hate laws

How do you get unwanted thoughts out of your head?

Last night I was laying down. I was really paranoid that someone was watching me through the window. Then I heard barking. But it wasn't my dog, I know because I can tell the difference between different barks and it sounded like it was right outside my door but it was subtle, it sounded like it wasn't there but it was. It was getting incredibly annoying so I tried to close my eyes and get some sleep. But images of tarantulas kept popping up in my head. So I tried to thing of other things like unicorns and docks above lakes but tarantulas kept popping up! I eventually had to get my favorite DVD and turn it up really loud and put the air conditioning on high (which is loud). That worked but I need other ways. Like what should I do if this happens and I am not at home? Thanks and no rude answers please. :)

What do you know about Foster Care?

They are taking her out of the situation as part of protocol. In some cases when abuse DOES happen they need to remove the child. I am hopeful because they only removed the one child. Typically if they suspect abuse they wouldn't remove one child and leave the other child at risk. The child sounds like she has had a severe type of trauma. The behaviors you describe are traits of a child who has been sexually abused. If she still has visitation with her mother etc. she may exhibit these behaviors before or after she ha had a visit with her mother. Parental visits are very difficult on a child because it brings back memory of the trauma and confuses them. Even if the visit is supervised and the child is in a safe environment, they don't understand what is happening. Be patient and supportive because this takes time and hopefully once they have had the chance to interview and conduct therapy with the little girl they can determine what the next best step is for her.

Where do i file non sexual harassment complaints against my employer in N.H.?

I'm being forced to violate company policies and department of agriculture law's by my managers. I've complained to loss prevention and human resources.The loss prevention investigator suspended me for a week to do an investigation. I gave name's of two witnesses. When called back to work, there was a different investigator who told me the first investigator was on vacation and that he himself, knew nothing about the investigation. The manager told me that after concluding his investigation, the loss prevention investigator said my complaints were unfounded. I was told to keep my mouth shut, and if i made one more complaint, or if there was a single complaint made against me by anyone, i would be terminated immediately. Afterward i talked to the witnesses i provided and both told me they were not interviewed at all by anyone, not loss prevention, human resources or even management. If i say anything else i'll be fired immediately, if i don't i'll be fired eventually when the violations are found by an inspector, since i doubt the manager's will accept any responsibility.

My 5 month siberian husky has b een diagnosed with renal failure and is in pain. how can i help her?


Was seeing this guy, but then slept with him to soon… Do you think he could still like me? Oops :(?

Sorry, sounds like he is a player, and you're one of many to him. Play the field, and if he ever shows signs of settling down, maybe try again. He might be one of the many men, though, who think there are girls you have easy sex with, and girls you settle down with.

Anemia: do I need a medical bracelet for it?

I have anemia, and im 15. I recently found this out but im a vegetarian, which obviously explains my anemia, and i currently have a medical bracelet for a penecillin allergy. It didn't even occur to me that anemia should be on a medical bracelet, but should it? I have to take iron supplements every day: around 100mg (which is about 7x what 'normal' people have to take). I was just wondering if you have to be a certain "amount" of anemic to get an anemia medical bracelet. Also if I do need to get that engraved on my current one, why? Is it because i have a chance of fainting if my anemia goes untreated, or what? Thanks!

How do I defend myself against my neighbor constantly calling the Humane Society on me?

My neighbor and I do not get along. She called the humane society on me last year claiming animal cruelty and saying I leave my dogs outside for hours while I'm at work, I don't give them water or shelter, I have an excessive amount of feces in my yard and they are outside for extended amounts of time during heavy rain and snow. All of which was unfounded. However, I got another lovely note on my door from the humane society saying they stopped by to investigate an animal cruelty allegation. AGAIN! I cant even fathom what she has made up this time. I haven't heard back from the officer. My dogs are never left outside while I work, thats insane! I dont leave them out during heavy rain or snow bc they have to come back in my house that they would get filthy, DUH! They have plenty of water inside and out and there isnt poop in the yard. I have 3 dogs so after 2 days of pooping in the same area I guess it may appear to be alot. But thats as far as it goes. I scoop every other day. Shes just mad because the other day after I worked 9 hours straight with no break (no, the dogs were not in their crates the whole time, my daughter comes home from school after 4 hours) anywho, I get outta my car and without even shutting the door, i turn around and there is my neighbors girlfriend asking if she can talk to me. I say sure but I have no idea who you are, bc I didnt. She claimed to live next door, I assumed she was the new GF, but hadn't seen her before that day, she made a comment about my side door. She requested that I scrub it clean because when she sits at her table and looks outside, she sees my "nasty door". She doesnt want to look at it, its grouse. I very sarcastically asked if she was serious. She said yes, I said I'll see what i can do, rolled my eyes and walked away. Just being honest. My yard is fenced to include my side door which my dogs jump on when its time to come in. Mind you, it rained for 3 days straight so it was quite a muddy door. Agreed it was dirty, but im not scrubbing it to appease my nosey non-neighbor. If all you have to view is MY side door, and thats the best view you got, i suggest changing windows. What can I do to defend myself to the investigators? Its embarrassing to have animal control pull up to your house and leave you notes while your not home every time the neighbor gets mad. Can I file charges against her for harassment? or some form of slander? I'm not moving bc I own my house, so does she. Do I file against my neighbor or her girlfriend?


ok i am 23 yrs old and i kno that i am anemic but latley my body has been getting weak its getiing hard for me to strap my bra, pick up my kid, and when i lay down i can seem to sit back up without grabbing ahold of something , i cant run or it feels like my legs will give out, what is wrong with me, also my mouth feels weak to i have a hard time eating, is there a solution for my problem... please help this sux thanks!!

Why won't my dog bark?

My dog won't bark and is afraid of everything. But she does act like a normal dog. I got her from my friend that made them have puppies and she got her from a shelter there is a possibility she was abuse. I only had her for 3years plz answer my question of y my dog wont bark

Neighbours complaing about dogs barking?

So we have 2 dogs. Jack Russell Collie cross. 3 years old. They are well behaved apart from the barking which is NOT excessive. They only bark when people come to the door or walk past the gate which we have tried to cover up so they can't see but just always seem to sense them still! When there are birds in the garden and when a cat is there which is understandable. Also there are dogs either side of us which bark and set each other off so i can't help that. But when ever they do bark its for no more than 10 seconds as we get them inside or tell them no. And the funny thing is she moans about dogs barking and decided to get one her self a few weeks ago. She lives opposite us so our fence is her fence as well where he dog goes up and makes ours bark. We have taken into consideration the times they bark and stuff its not like we just leave them barking. Shes been round twice now and has said she has told us she has told the council last year but we have had no letter. Also saying shes gonna said her husband round LOL. It seriously isnt as bad as shes making they do it about 3 times a day and when people are going up to fetch there kids from school we always keep them inside then. So whos wrong? What else could we possibly do??

Anyone else thinks religion is a terrible terrible waste of adult person's time ?

Religion really is a waste of time for people. There is so much evidence to support the non-existence of god for any religion. There is so much people could be doing with their lives. Reading literature, spending time with your kids and getting to know them without the dependence of a particular god, learning science, learning how to play instruments. All things that would be much more productive than spending time worshiping something that someone in the right mind doesn't exist and getting pressured into doing something with the threat of spending eternity in hell.

WHAT happened to all the yogurt that had FAT?

It's so annoying. Some places don't even sell full fat cottage cheese anymore. And all the low fat ones not only taste gross but are usually replaced with sugar.

How can any republican, let alone any AMERICAN, respect Glenn Beck?

Is that why the Obama administration has changed personnel so much because of him and why the pay attention to what he is doing. Is that why he had hundred of thousands people show up at a function he supported because of him. He is too religious for me, but the man is a force and you are scared.

Why do we even bother with my step daughter's bio mom when it's obvious she doesn't care about her child?

Passing out may be a side effect of anemia but that doesn't make it okay. Does the bio mom realize that if her daughter's hemoglobin gets too low, she could die? More importantly, does she care? If it were my daughter, she would not be going to her mother's until a doctor and/or plan of care has been established.

Are Atheists Misunderstood, or just Hated?

I am a Christian. I believe that ALL of the atheists I have known, or had brief encounters with, were some of the coolest people I have ever met. When we discussed a few belief thought processes, they demonstrated stronger conviction than many of my Christian counterparts. Their reasons for non-theistic beliefs are supported by factual evidences that have weight, and the existing churches, and "organizational" remedies for spiritual guidance are very slim. The hatred for these people is unfounded. As they have decided to pursue a course of life that is their choice. None of them have harmed me, and all I have met are basically intelligent, and sensitive humans. Why do so called Christians devote so much argumentative time and energy to hating their human brothers? Have any of you been "Loved" by a Christian?? If not, here's a hug.! Also, is the name Atheist with a capital "A"??

What should I do About my dog ?

German Shepard's have bad hip problems. Take her to a vet. It could even be arthritis. I had an old dog that lived a good long time taking arthritis medication. It works really well. good luck.

My boyfriend has tons of pretty girls after him?

As a man I could say he just might be in love with you, you don't need to put yourself down just because of something like that. Just keep in your head that if he's a good man then he would'nt cheat on you. Just know that he might just be the type to flatter people to be friends with them. I do the same. If he tels ou he lvoes you and you feel the same then let your love expand and don't let anything get in the way of your love.

Do adoptive parents ever feel regret?

If i found out i had adopted a child the was kidnapped i would do all i could to get them back to their family. If you truly love someone you do whats best for them even if that means you cant be in their life. Yeah it would be hard but whats best for the child is what you should do.

What could be wrong bleeding 20 days straight scared to death?

I think many of your issues are contributing to your long period. I remember one of my first periods I was bleeding non-stop for three months...I never went to the doctor, it eventually quit on its own. But you really should see a doctor especially if you are anemic - things like this are nothing to fool around with.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Great Dane puppy having nightmares?

I think its pretty normal. My 10 month old labrador sometimes does that. I adopted him.....and I think he has a history of being I thought maybe they are just having memories about it.

Undergoing a key hole surgery (shoulder arthroscopy) this saturday. Very scared of anestheisa.?

make sure you let your anesthesiologist at the hospital (you won't know them like your doctor) that you have some anxiety over general anesthesia. they may be able to give you some sort of sedative and roll you into the operating room. i had surgery on both elbows and each time, i walked into the OR and lay down on the operating table, then they stuck all the sticky things on me and gave me anesthesia and i passed out. if you let them know, they will accommodate you. don't be scared! you'll be fine! good luck on your recovery :)

Anyone try the dog anxiety vest for separation anxiety?

If it is a compression vest - I have seen them work wonders with dogs afraid of thunder or fireworks - probably worth a try.

Is God upset with the conservatives who refuse to consider Global warming, & boast about with their Styrofoam?

I wouldn't for a minute believe that Elizabeth Hasselhof (if memory serves) stated that she wants to dump garbage in the ocean. You don't really believe that those who believe socialism doesn't work well in the real world want to have dirty air and dirty water. That it simply what environmentalists want you to believe because socialists have moved to the environmental movement to push their otherwise failed agendas.

Somebody tried to break into my apartment! please help!?

ok i know im asking in the wrong section but i will get more aswers here, ok so yesterday around 5.26 am to be exact, my dog(a 7 pound chihuahua) started barking like crazy so i got up of bed and told him to shut up because i had a 2 year old toddler and my husband sleeping, my husband works nights and he gets home around 4.30 am. ok so the dog kept on barking until my husband got up and turned the light on from the living room, he looked outside thru the window and didnt saw nothing other then people getting ready to go to work.. ok so we tought the dog was barking at a cat or something and we went back to sleep, my dog kept on making noises and he was being weird the whole time, i even told my husband that maybe he was predicting and eathquake or something.. but when we woke up and when to the porch we saw the window half open, we knew that my dog scared somebody that was trying to break into my apartment and now that im by myself with my 2 year old son im so scared! my husband gets home around 4.30 so im so nerveous! i have a hammer in hand a broom to know to my neighbor upstairs and my phone full charge.. what should i do if they try to break in again? im afraid they know im home alone with my son, im 22 year old and im very petite 5 feet tallk and 110 pounds.. please help me, any advice will be appiciated.

Help! Dog with severe separation anxiety!?

My dog has severe separation anxiety when my mother or I am not home. I am going to college and she becomes especially depressed and her anxiety is worse when I am not around. We are hoping to cure her before I leave in August, or at least make a huge improvement. When we are not home she eat the curtains and furniture, urinates and defecates, whines barks and cries, runs wild around the house, and makes a mess of the garbage and pantry. Additionally, when I am not home she becomes extremely depressed. She sits outside my door crying, won't play with her toys and is all around mopey. Does anyone have any advice? Will getting another dog help?

A family I know abuses their dog, what should I do?

A family I breifly know are abusing their poodle. The dog barks quite alot, which is anoying, and they always yell at him, hit him with a paddle, kick him, etc. What should I do? I love the family, and dont want them to get in legal trouble, but the dog is being hurt! What do I do?

What are my legal rights after being falsely accused and the accuser fled from justice?

The law in this country is not about justice. It is about who brings charges to the table first even if they are trumped charges. If you are anything like my son you will be sol. I sincerely wish you all the luck in the world, you are going to need it.

Racing Heart and Dizziness?

Early I got into an argument and my heart began to race, but it never seemed to return to normal. It's been several hours and I can still feel my heart beating. Also, a little bit after the argument I suddenly got extremely dizzy. My head feels like I'm moving even when I'm laying or sitting perfectly still. I know I am adequately hydrated, and I check my bp (124/73, which is, by my knowledge, normal). My heart rate was 85, which is much higher than it usually is (69, normally). The faint feeling is getting worse, and though this isn't the first time this has happened recently, it is certainly the most extreme. Am I just tired or something? My mom is anemic, so could I possibly be too?

My dog scared the crap outta me.?

I own a boxer/pit mix. He's only 7 months old and sleeps with me. Rite infront of the window. Today at 6:40am he jumped straight up, ran to the window and started barking like crazzii. I've heard him bark b4 but nevr like this. He wuz howling and everything and I kept pushing him away but he held his ground. Anywayz when I looked at him I noticed tht the hairs ontop of his tail wuz standing up, and the hairs on his neck were to. Wht does tht mean.? And wht wuz he so scared of if there wuz nuthin outside.?

Im still thinking about my last miscarrige..?

sorry for your losses, i think it will stay with you forever i dont believe id ever get over losing a baby and its understandable how youre feeling. have you considered councelling? it might help getting your feelings off your chest before deciding whether to have another baby or not. speak to your doctor about the risks of having another baby too as it may give you some reassurance about the disorders you have. noone can decide for you if you should have another baby yet its between you and your partner, but it will be worth it to have another baby if you are ready, although you must take into consideration the risks involved and that you have a young baby to consider too. good luck.

How do I convince my mom to let us get a dog?

Okay, so me and my brother really want a dog!! weve been wanting one forever. my dad wants one too. a few years ago he promised us that we would get a dog in the spring but never did. my mom is the one thats keeping us from getting a dog, she said that when everyone is at school and work it will destroy the house and no one will take care of it. i actually would take care of it i love dogs and all animals, i have been searching the local dog shelters and have found some really great dogs, that are already house broken. my birthday is next month, and I am willing to pay for the dog and his/her supplies myself with my own money. We have 4 cats, but cats are such a boring pet. I do love my cats but i do want a dog, we have a huge backyard, with plenty of places for him to run, and we could probably get a dog that won't bark alot, so how can I convince my mom to let us have one?? Please help!!!!

Do you ever stop loving your first love...?

People grow and change with thoughts,likes, views and desires so yes you will not but one thing is that you may not foget them but you will eventually not love them or at least not love them the same way you use to.

Should Global CEO's and IMF officials be granted Diplomatic Immunity so that they can safely reside in America?

Other than the fact you like to bunch them together due to your class-envy and class-baiting hysterics, what "Global CEOs" have diplomatic immunity...?

Stay in relationship and compromise,or leave now ?.?

My current girlfriend has been with me for a little over 8 months,and she lives with two 40 ibs dogs. I personally don't like dogs,barking invading of space,un deciplined,sleeping on bed,hair,and a number of other things just irritate me. It's her place so I don't mind,but we have a problem now where I told her I won't move in with her as long as she has dogs. Her current dogs are older in age,and I told her I would wait till their time comes,but I won't live with dogs in a place of my own. It is wrong of me,but I can't help it,it's compulsive. I can't deal with their mess,and their invasion of your space,but I love her very much,and don't know what to do.

I think my puppy thinks my cats are dogs?

like she barks at them and she smells there buts like what dog do, do u think she thinks they are dogs?

What happens if a dog gets wet with amonia?

ina clear bottle was clear amonia and my grandpa sprayed her with "water" b/ she barks alot so what hapens when she gets wet? she really tiny! HELP

Can Marijuana be detected through a blood test?

I just found out that i am anemic and they had to do blood work to see about my iron. I'd just like to know if they are testing my blood for iron could they detect marijuana in my blood as well? And will it affect the results of the test?

My mom doesn't believe me that I think I have OCD. What do I do?

It is hard to give you a good advice how to make your mother believe you. I think your disorder (neurosis) is conditioned by pubertal period you are in. Try to masturbate, it'll make you condition somewhat easier. Make complaints about bad sleep in order to make your mother to draw your to a psychiatrist. Sleep disorder is not such scary for your mom than OCD so it is more probable to make her visit the doctor with you.

Help everybody is at a loss!?

Since you already hired a trainer and they haven't been able to find a cause, I think the next step should be a trip to the vet.

My dog just wont gain weight :( Please help me....?

I would opt to try a grain free and/or Limited Ingredients Diet.. Such as Taste of the Wild (pacific stream or Sierra Mountain formula) or Natural Balance... In the mean time I'd hate to say it but a trip to the vet or further testing and exams may very well be the only way to get to the bottom of this dilemma....

What is wrong with my puppy?

my puppy wasn't eating Sunday and she was moving around less than she use to (she is very hyper) so we cook up some meat and cornmeal for her when she finally ate she was back to her old natural self running barking and playin. yesterday she fed her again but later in the evening i notice she vomited up little of the food and her stool was soft and little watery but she was still little active and barking. now today i went to check up on her and i saw white foamy vomit and little of the food she ate, what could be wrong with her ?im cooking some rice for her will that help?

Revised and re-posted would you comment or critique for me please, thanks?

This is SOOOOOOOOO good and so much better than emo--because the protagonist was cut------but healed-----and that's so much more refreshing than the doom and gloom I read on here most of the time! We have to have hope, without it we have little else. And I HOPE you write more----you have a lot of talent----Thanks for sharing---------------------------------…

Could it be iron deficient anemia?

I went to donate blood the other day and although I don't usually have problems with low iron (I usually have a very good amount) I decided to make sure I was eating a good amount of meat before and I also took prenatal vitamins for a few days in preparation just to make sure. Unfortunately my iron was only an 11.8 which is too low. This worries me to an extent because had I not been taking vitamins and eating a good amount of meat how low would it have been then? I've also been feeling tired lately and my fingers are bruised really bad just from the finger pricks they did (they tested me twice to make sure) to test my iron and I was under the impression you bruise easier when you're anemic. Could it be because I donated blood in January and then again in April? Should I wait it out or should I go see a doctor?

Is it normal to be apprehensive when you finally get a positive?

My husband and I have been ttc for 8 months now. I got a for sure positive today. we both want another baby so bad. but tonight...i dont know..i just feel nervous. Have anyone even been a little scared when they finally concieved a much wanted baby? I just keep thinking " what if we cant afford another one?" " what if having a newborn and two year old is more than i can handle?" I thought about these things before i concieved, but when i saw that extra pink line i got not so sure...whats my problem?! i did the same thing when i got pregnant with my daughter? and then when we had her i realized that my worries were unfounded. so why am i nervous again when i know i did a good job with my daughter? Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Thnk you!

Can you use the product "Red Cell" (for horses) on an anemic cat?

I have a cat who has a bit of anemia. Can I use Red Cell (the kind they make for horses) for him. If so, what is the dosage? Thanks!

Atheists what is the most ridiculous, unfounded thing you have seen accredited to atheists by Christians on?

They have strong beliefs, that's just how the were brought up. I believe religion was created very long ago just to maintain order within its communities, back in the days anyone who thought differently would have been stoned to death. Now this leads me to believe that stoning still exists but in the form of slandering.

My Maltese female is sleeping a lot?

Ok my dog is usually really hyper but lately she runs around and then just knocks out. Shes beginning to whine a lot and just barks so we can pick her up (very spoil). She's only 8 months old so there's no reason for her to be so tired.

Girlfriend Mad That I masturbate?

You could try telling her that masturbating even when you're with someone is perfectly natural (doesn't she do it??). It's not a "substitute" for anything you have with her, it's totally different. I'm thinking the porn thing is what's freaking her out the most because she's afraid you'll think it's reality and that you will start comparing the porn with what you two do together. So I'd probably spend some time telling her you know that porn is all fantasy...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What's that song? Looking for?

The chorus is something like "Love is right, love is blind, love is... love is. And then someone shouts something that sounds like a bark.

Abnormal periods and loss of appetite?

I came off the pill in March. I didn't have a period for a while, I came on on the 21st May. Period was brown discharge, and was lots of clots. This episode finished on the 28th May. I then had spotting for a week starting on the 3rd June, this finished on the 10th. I now have a similar episode to the 'period' I had on the 21st May. Also for the last 3 months my appetite has drastically changed, I can no longer keep certain foods down, the taste of most things has changed. Foods I used to love I can no longer stand, and foods I used to hate I like. I done a pregnancy test around 4 weeks ago, it was negative. Doctors have done blood tests to check if I am anaemic, this came back normal. I'm going out of my mind. Please help

Is this new release of Obama's Birth Certificate going to actually prove Obama's authenticity to be president?

I agree. I think this is just starting. I hope it stays alive until the election. Clearly, the Obama handlers wish it would just go away. Not going to happen.

Today is May 21,2011,Why hasn't the world ended?

Some people claim that today will be the "end" of the world,yet their unfounded beliefs are just so ridiculous. :)

Know of a good attorney in Oregon willing to fight against DHS/CPS?

Foster Parent had children removed after 3 years of care for "unfounded allegations" DHS told us the allegations were unfounded but still will not give kids back, instead they are bouncing them around from foster home to foster home...... :(

How can I cope with the anxiety and shakiness I get at school?

i know how you feel the thing is it becomes a self fur filled prophecy, for example if you think you walk funny then you will do . people and especially Small minded people as kids will always spot any weakness in a personality, they are not intelligent to know why and how but they will spot something, in your case it is nerves and a lack of self confidence, they do not understand nerves or self consciousness so they will think of it as weird, i have heard it said that what other people think of us is none of our business i think if you find the right boy then you will feel more lovable , at the moment you don't like or feel proud of who you are but as you grow older and you get to work, move away from home and start dating then that confidence may come, as for the boy you like , please make it clear to him that you like him or you will leave it too late, better that he don't want to know and you feel humiliated and hurt , that is better than finding out he did like you but because you didn't show you liked HIM he found somebody else and then it will be too late Forever

Pregnant and anemic, which foods are high in iron?

Just want to know which foods are Full of iron so that I can boost the levels so I don't have to have a blood transfusion. I'm 32 wks preg and am taking ferro grad c tablets, what else could I eat to boost the levels before next test in 4 weeks??

My son's therapist said he might need inpatient treatment?

My 20 year old son has been severely depressed for several weeks. He has Aspergers which complicates things a LOT. He is also severely anemic. We have tried a few different antidepressants and Abilify but they have not helped him feel better and caused serious side effects. (He has a history of unusual reations to medications,) His therapist told me last week that he may need inpatient treatment to regulate his meds. He says he is not suicidal but he does think about dying. Why would he need inpatient care? Is there a better, less expensive way of figuring out what meds would help?

Severe pain in my left arm.?

Hi. I'm fifteen. And I'm anemic. I know that anemia can cause pain in your joints but I don't think this is what this pain is because its consistent. For a little over a week, I've been having a severe pain in my left arm. It's the area past my shoulders but above my elbow. When I move my arm backwards it hurts. If I move my arm while it's beside my body, it hurts. If it's away from my body and I move it, it hurts but it's barely noticeable. The worst pain I feel is moving it backwards or close to my body (forward). My boyfriend massaged my arm yesterday and bended it different ways to try to relieve the pain. I'm double jointed in my arms so he could bend my arms a lot of different ways. My dad today, noticed that my arm looked "puffy" like it's swollen. I don't know if that's from my boyfriend massaging it or from there being something wrong with my arm. The pain is unbearable. I wake up all through out the night from the pain. And I have been sleeping on the other side of my body so that there's no pressure on that arm. Help?

What type of bark mulch for pet snake?

What kind of bark mulch would be best for a snake (king)? I know cedar, redwood and pine aren't good for snakes, or anything with added chemicals. I'm looking for a cheaper alternative to the shavings you get at the pet store. Any suggestions?

How can i tell if im anemic?

Okay im like all worried because i think i might be anemic. Can you guys tell me how i can be sure? And if i am, is that something to worry about?

I am concerned about the dosage my vet gave me for my kitten?

My 8 week old kitten is anemic and the vet put her on pet tinic. She is 2lb and the vet said to give her. 2ml 2x a day. On the bottle and online its says to give that amount per 10lb of weight. I am nervous, I don't know if vet made a mistake or if something bad will happen if I give her the amount the vet says.

What the hell is wrong with my vagina?

I think the problem is you need to have more sex. After the initial penetration, the vagina yearns for more.

Wanted to share with those who don't vaccinate?

I read that today, and thank god I have the good sense to protect not only my child, but to contribute to the protection of all of society.

Are protein powders bad for you?

You could replace the powder for a good brand milk and normal chocolate mix. Flavor is important to keep your body working in better condition, I see adults get used to stuff that does not taste good because they want to speed and perhaps that's not the best answer to nutrition. Some products feel like dry food for pets to your body and you should have accomplished more to demand much from it in heavy sport activities.

How can i stop my dog from barking?

My dog barks constantly when he is not around us. When he goes outside he does his business and then runs to the door and barks like crazy till we let him in. When we let him in and he is wet we have a half door to keep him from roaming upstairs and getting everything wet and he has the basement to go in and he still barks. We have tried putting him my room where he sleeps everyday and he is a little more calm but still barks. We have tried a spray bottle doesn't work. Shock collar doesn't work ignoring him and hoping he would get used to it and it doesn't work. We have tried letting him in when he takes a short break from barking and telling him he is a good boy and we have tried treats as well. My parents are about done and wanting to get rid of him if i cant find a way to get him to stop barking all the time. Is there anything else i can do to try to stop him from barking all the time i love him and don't want him to have to go to a new home. Please let me know if there is anything else i could try that would stop him.

What kind of dog should i get?

Hello my name is Julio and I'm wanting to get a dog. My brother is going to be moving to college next year and my parents will be working during the weekdays, so i will be lonely after school. I was wondering what a nice dog for me would be. The size doesn't matter to me, id like a dog that doesn't need too much exercise, one that doesn't bark or shed too much, I'd be at school for around 7 hours every weekday. I live in a small house with a small yard but I do have a park nearby. So what is a nice quiet dog that will be my buddy while I'm home alone? Also if anyone has any ideas how to convince my parents to get me a dog that would be helpful ( my dad is scared of dogs). Thank you in advance.

I am the owner of a black lab . His age is about 4 months but he does not used to bark any outsider?

suggest any method that will make him bark towards outsider and also suggest an ideal diet for my lab.

Why won't my beagle bark?

My beagle is 8 months old now and has never barked. He has whimpered a couple times but that's it. He is in the pen with two other full grow males that have no problem barking when needed. We use them for rabbit hunting. Is there something wrong with him???

Is this small business a good idea?

I have always dreamed of operating my own business. Now in college as a business major i really want to go into the decal business. We have a huge modified car interest at my school and no good graphic store. The one in my hometown made a fortune, i think i could do the same thing. To get started all id need is a cutter and some vinyl. an investment i can defibetly handle. But for some reason im way too scared to do it. Is this fear unfounded?

How do I stop my australian shepherd from aggressively barking at me?

She is 11 weeks old, I am the primary owner but we also have a large family. After a week with her she has started to aggressively bark and snap at me like I am a stranger. I have tried to stop it but nothings working, any suggestions?

Why do some people claim that god helps those who help themselves?

I have never seen a Biblical reference to explain the belief, but I have heard Christians say it before. Is there a verse in the Bible that says this, or is it an unfounded belief?

How can I get my dog to stop his barking habits?

I have a male yellow lab who is almost 3. Since he was a puppy, he's always had an issue with barking too much. Most times if we let him outside, he will do his business then come right to the door and start barking to come in. If I'm outside doing something other then playing with him he will constantly bark until I throw him the ball and if I don't pick the ball up within seconds of him bringing it back to me, the barking will get worse. My husband, neighbors and myself are getting very frustrated with this situation. Any suggestions on training advice to stop this habbit would be very helpful!! Thanks in advance!

Worried about my unborn son?

I am 39 weeks pregnant,first pegnancy.Ready to meet my little boy. But I can't stop worrying something will go wrong & I will lose him. I've had a completely normal & healthy pregnancy so these fears are a bit unfounded I guess. I just feel like maybe I don't deserve this amazing gift I'm about to receive. Is this normal at all? Anyone else feel like this? I'm very nervous about the delivery,I guess that could be part of it.

How do I deal with unfounded jealousy?

I'm on my second marriage. We've been married for six months and have known each other half our lives. My husband is wonderful, a perfect stepfather, a perfect husband. Our only major problem is my ex. We have a three year old daughter that we share custody of, so there has to be contact. My husband was around while my ex and I were married, so he knows him personally, and also should know that I wouldn't go near him in that way if my life depended on it. Ex was a cheating, lying, mentally abusive jackass. Anyhow, for some reason, my new husband has gotten very suspicious of the time I spend talking to ex about our daughter. I've told him over and over that there's nothing there. How do I convince him?

UBER ULTRA EMERGENCY! Black bear or rabid Raccoon?!?

I live in PA. My friend and I went "Coon Watching" We put egg yolk (raw) cheese curls and bread together and went outside, flinging the food for the coons. We heard crackling raccoon chirps and bark breaking noises. We went inside to get cat food eggs and peanut butter. Then, my friend said she heard a raccoon panting on our left near the woods. (My house is in the middle of the woods, literally.) Then I heard scratching, as if something was crawling out of a tree. After that noise, we heard more panting and crawling on the ground. We decided it was a rabid coon and we ran inside. I know black bears climb and pant, but this seemed kind of like a cub and perhaps a mom. What you guys/gals think? Raccoon or black bear?? Do you think it is safe to go outside?

Why do evolutionists thing they have the corner on true science even though all true science is against them?

Funny, I changed from Christian to atheist and the science I was studying didn't seem to change a bit. I just didn't have to compartmentalize things to keep it from conflicting with a religion anymore after that.

What can i do about these horrible false accusations with dcfs?

You haven't indicated why you would even HAVE a trial, but if/when you do, you can dispute the claims. Yes, the claims will remain on file, but if you successfully refute them, it will have no impact on your life after that. There is nothing you can do about the charges, anyone can make an accusation, so your best bet is to simply refute them and move on.

If Macchu Picchu was undiscovered then...?

Macchu Picchu was a royal retreat for the Incan king and family in South America. In the 1500s the Spaniards led the Spanish conquest and conquered the Incan empire. They destroyed artifacts and melted gold down to make Spanish doubloons. Macchu Picchu was undiscovered until the 1900s by American backpackers and it had been untouched and unfounded by the Spaniards or any other people. Do you think there may be other undiscovered ancient cities of past civilizations?

Should I call animal control?

I have a neighbor that has 5 dogs and they continuously bark and even bite people in our neighborhood they get loose all the time and since none of the dogs are licensed no one wants to call animal control. We've tried talking to the owner but no solution what should I do?

How can I forget what he said?

I'm a believer in the fact that the things people say when they're mad, or drunk, are things they truly mean. Anger, adrenaline, frustration, and alcohol remove the filters that would normally cause us not to say these things. So, he's NOT a great man. He's settling, and will resent you for it forever. I would have left him the first time he talked crap to my face.

39 weeks pregnant, why am I so dizzy?

I am pregnant, due in 4 days, for the last few days I have been really dizzy and light-headed, the midwife told me I was anemic when I was roughly 20 weeks pregnant, since then I have taken iron tablets and have been fine?? untill this week... could there be anything causing it??

Can Homeopathy help my baby and me?

My baby has severe colic pains and I am anemic, have a bladder infection and am a little depressed.

What are some good Books / Documentaries on U.S. wrongdoings and political activism?

ive recently gotten into alot of uncovering US "wrongdoings" or whatever you'd like to call assasination plots against countries leaders...illegal use of weaponry, unfounded wars, things of that nature...and also activists who oppose them and groups related to such political practices but its all a bit overwhelming...theres just soooo much stuff lol, so i was just wondering if anyone could recommend some good documentaries or books which encompass and cover many things of that nature generally. so i can pick and choose what / who to continue following....thank you, any information is much appreciated :D remember im not looking for a book on malcom x, or the wrongful imprisonment of Mumia, i dont want ONE specific topic i would like general coverage of many things of that nature if thats possible lol, thank you again...feel free to e-mail if you'd like as well...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Does anemia just go away? ?

My mother told me I was anemic when I was younger, about 3. I was just wondering can anemia go away, or could I still be anemic? Im 14 now, if it makes a difference.