Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Period Problems... .PLease help is this normal?

Here the thing.My period is all out of wack and I do not know what can it be.I had my period in the beggining of this may that just passed.Then 2 weeks later towards the near end of month I have my period again,and this time is started with brown spotting,it wa only a few dots of brown blood,then again,just brown light spotting,then my period stopped for like less than a day,and then I started to bleed again normally,I had my period for exaclty 9 days,it ended last fast friday exact.Now am I having again it started today at 11 and it starting the same way as the period before that with the brown spotting.I am afraid I do not know what's going on with body.What could this possibly be?On top of that this is affecting my everyday routine,my working out, exersingand I have less energy,and feel more tired,ect ect.Me losing alot of blood is my biggest concern I do not want to become anemic.I am starting to feel lightheaded as of today.I am very concerned.So is my mom.THis issues is affecting my everyday life I do not kno..ugh.I rule out being prego cause I just can't be,I took prego tests they came back negative,and I do not wanna have a kid I am not ready in a mature level,finicially ect.I am 20 yrs old....please help what could this be IS THIS NORMAL????...

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