Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A "Friend" abandoned her dog at my house and wont take him!!!?

I used to own a dog over a year ago and due to the fact I couldn't care for him the way he needed to be cared for I gave him to a better home. Now a "friend" had an issue with a LL because she neglected her dog for days on end while he barked and disturbed the neighbors so she told her her she had to get rid of the dog or she would call the SPCA by the weekend. Since it was such short notice I told her we could watch the dog for a COUPLE OF DAYS until she found a place for him to go. That was almost 2 weeks ago. I've been more then tolerant and told her several times she needs to have him out the LATEST by tonight. Now she is saying no one will take him, and she is leaving town for a week on a plane and has no where for him to go, and basically I need to keep him until she is back and figures it out. Except I have plans all week and wont be home either, therefore I've explained my house is not an option. She says she is working on an option, but I know the end result will be her leaving him. So... I've told her if he isn't gone by tonight, then I'm calling the SPCA and she said if I did that she'll send people to my house... basically threatening me. Am I being unreasonable???????? I feel so used, what would you do? Should I call the SPCA?

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