Thursday, July 21, 2011

In the UK is discrimination against bisexuals illegal?

So my mum and older brother, who believe 'you can be one or the other, not both' Found out i was bi after snooping through my post when i was 16, ever since i've had **** off them for it, but i've put up with it. My brothers going by studies done in the 90's that have since been proved unfounded, my mum by her idiotic, bigoted views on whats right and wrong. I've just been round to my mum with my kids and she's started it again. I've told her plenty of times i don't want to hear that line cos it angers me, but she carried on. She then told me she wont let her grandkids grow up thinking it's normal (bare in mind that although i'm bi i'm in a long term relationship with a man and we are going to get married). I told her i don't think it's normal teaching anyone that some types of love lead to etearnal damnation (she takes my little bro to church). She isn't against gays or lesbians, just bisexuals etc. I told her when she started getting very abusive that she's comitting a hate crime and if it carries on i will report her (it's been 5 years of BS from her!). She said it isn't illegal cos 'queers' Meaning bisexuals, aren't homosexual so it isn't homophobia. I am going to report her, i have well and truly had enough of it, but i'm wondering if anything she's said is true???

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