Saturday, July 16, 2011

How can I cope with the anxiety and shakiness I get at school?

i know how you feel the thing is it becomes a self fur filled prophecy, for example if you think you walk funny then you will do . people and especially Small minded people as kids will always spot any weakness in a personality, they are not intelligent to know why and how but they will spot something, in your case it is nerves and a lack of self confidence, they do not understand nerves or self consciousness so they will think of it as weird, i have heard it said that what other people think of us is none of our business i think if you find the right boy then you will feel more lovable , at the moment you don't like or feel proud of who you are but as you grow older and you get to work, move away from home and start dating then that confidence may come, as for the boy you like , please make it clear to him that you like him or you will leave it too late, better that he don't want to know and you feel humiliated and hurt , that is better than finding out he did like you but because you didn't show you liked HIM he found somebody else and then it will be too late Forever

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