Sunday, July 17, 2011

Could it be iron deficient anemia?

I went to donate blood the other day and although I don't usually have problems with low iron (I usually have a very good amount) I decided to make sure I was eating a good amount of meat before and I also took prenatal vitamins for a few days in preparation just to make sure. Unfortunately my iron was only an 11.8 which is too low. This worries me to an extent because had I not been taking vitamins and eating a good amount of meat how low would it have been then? I've also been feeling tired lately and my fingers are bruised really bad just from the finger pricks they did (they tested me twice to make sure) to test my iron and I was under the impression you bruise easier when you're anemic. Could it be because I donated blood in January and then again in April? Should I wait it out or should I go see a doctor?

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