Monday, July 18, 2011

Neighbours complaing about dogs barking?

So we have 2 dogs. Jack Russell Collie cross. 3 years old. They are well behaved apart from the barking which is NOT excessive. They only bark when people come to the door or walk past the gate which we have tried to cover up so they can't see but just always seem to sense them still! When there are birds in the garden and when a cat is there which is understandable. Also there are dogs either side of us which bark and set each other off so i can't help that. But when ever they do bark its for no more than 10 seconds as we get them inside or tell them no. And the funny thing is she moans about dogs barking and decided to get one her self a few weeks ago. She lives opposite us so our fence is her fence as well where he dog goes up and makes ours bark. We have taken into consideration the times they bark and stuff its not like we just leave them barking. Shes been round twice now and has said she has told us she has told the council last year but we have had no letter. Also saying shes gonna said her husband round LOL. It seriously isnt as bad as shes making they do it about 3 times a day and when people are going up to fetch there kids from school we always keep them inside then. So whos wrong? What else could we possibly do??

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