Friday, July 15, 2011

What's wrong with me? Recurring symptoms.?

5 months ago was diagnosed with iron deficient anemia and was suffering from these symptoms;paleness, excessive thirst, muscle pain and cramping, severe heel pain, muscle weakness, lack of interest in anything, ice chewing and shortness of breath, tired all the time. Doctor told me to take iron pills otc and within a day or two I was feeling fantastic. three months later still ok, but test says borderline anemic. two months ago insurance is gone and can't afford dr. these symptoms are recurring all of the sudden, muscle weakness, severe heel pain, shortness of breath, moderate thirst, very sleepy. I take zoloft 20mg. daily as well as omeprazole 20mg. and 1 iron tablet(feosol)65mg. what may be causing the symptoms to recur? any suggestions since I am un able to go to a dr. thanks.

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